Social Security Benefits and Issues with Brett Hansen | Dale Buckner Podcast Ep. 2

Feb 9, 2021

Among other things, Brett and Dale discussed: ● The biggest problems we’re having with Social Security these days ● How Social Security can be way more complex than what we think—and how a financial planner can help you through that ● Why is delaying your Social Security a great idea that can get you substantially more money in the long run ● Survivor Benefits and how to make the most out of it

Image for Social Security Benefits and Issues with Brett Hansen | Dale Buckner Podcast Ep. 2


Among other things, Brett and Dale discussed:

  • The biggest problems we’re having with Social Security these days
  • How Social Security can be way more complex than what we think—and how a financial planner can help you through that
  • Why is delaying your Social Security a great idea that can get you substantially more money in the long run
  • Survivor Benefits and how to make the most out of it